Friday, August 16, 2019

What is an antonym?

A word which has an exact opposite meaning of another word is called antonym of that word. These two words are called antonyms of each other. Antonymss of most of the words can be created just by adding a prefix to the word. For example:

By adding prefix 'dis':

  • Appear: Disappear
  • Agree: Disagree
  • Advantage: Disadvantage
  • Belief: Disbelief
  • Continue: Discontinue
  • Honest: Dishonest
  • Qualified: Disqualified

By adding prefix 'in':

  • Accurate: Inaccurate
  • Effective: Ineffective
  • Decent: Indecent
  • Discreet: Indiscreet
  • Formal: Informal
  • Regular: Irregular
  • Dependent: Independent
  • Compatible: Incompatible
  • Complete: Incomplete
  • Visible: Invisible

By adding prefix 'im':

  • Balance: Imbalance
  • Mature: Immature
  • Mobile: Immobile
  • Movable: Immovable
  • Measurable: Immeasurable

By adding prefix 'mis':

  • Conduct: Misconduct
  • Behave: Misbehave
  • Interpret: Misinterpret
  • Lead: Mislead
  • Trust: Mistrust
  • Use: Misuse

By adding prefix 'non':

  • Payment: Nonpayment
  • Sense: Nonsense
  • Fiction: Nonfiction
  • Living: Nonliving
  • Poisonous: Nonpoisonous
  • Renewable: Nonrenewable
  • Resident: Nonresident
  • Stop: Nonstop

By adding prefix 'un':

  • Authorized: Unauthorized
  • Available: Unavailable
  • Conscious: Unconscious
  • Foreseen: Unforeseen
  • Faithful: Unfaithful
  • Necessary: Unnecessary

By adding prefix 'ir':

  • Regular: Irregular
  • Relevant: Irrelevant
  • Replaceable: Irreplaceable
  • Rational: Irrational
  • Responsible: Irresponsible
In this type of verbal ability questions, you are required to choose one word which is the exact opposite of the given word.

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