Monday, November 8, 2021

Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments Summary, Explanation, Class 10 English Poem, Difficult Words, Literary devices

 Not marble nor the gilded monuments (Sonnet 55)

William Shakespeare - 1564-1616

In English:

Not marble nor the gilded monuments
Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
But you shall shine more bright in these contents
Than unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish time.

When wasteful war shall statues overturn,
And broils root out the work of masonry,
Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn
The living record of your memory.

'Gainst death and all-oblivious enmity
Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room,
Even in the eyes of all posterity
That wear this world out to the ending doom.
    So, till the judgment that yourself arise,
    You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes.

Idioms And Phrases List with Hindi Meaning

100+ Idioms And Phrases List with Hindi Meaning

Now, we know about some special Idioms And Phrases. So here is the most important Idioms And Phrases List with Hindi Meaning for you.

#1. 100+ List of Idioms And Phrases For Competitive Exam :

Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
01.To face the music — to bear the consequences.परिणाम भुगतना
02.Gave the game away— gave out the secret.रहस्य उजागर करना
03.Reading between the line— understand the secret meaning.गुप्त अर्थ समझना
04.By fits and starts— irregularly.कभी कभार
05.Talking through his hat— taking nonsense.बकवास करना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
06.Only burns a hole in his pocket— gets spent quickly.बहुत खर्च होना
07.Point blank— directly.सीधा एवं स्पष्ट कहा हुआ
08.Look down upon— hate intensely.घोर घृणा/नीची निगाह से देखना
09.Paid a backhanded compliment— made an ambiguous statement of praise.दिखावटी प्रशंसा
10.Flogging a dead horse— wasting time in useless effort.व्यर्थ का प्रयास करना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
11.To keep the pot boiling— to earn enough money to live.ज्यादा पैसा कमाना
12.A white elephant— costly or troublesome possession.महंगा या परेशानी का कब्ज़ा
13.Fair and square— honest.ईमानदार
14.To bide their time— to wait patiently.धैर्यपूर्वक प्रतीक्षा करना
15.Have an axe to grind— a private interest to serve.सेवा करने के लिए एक निजी रुचि
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
16.Sowing wild oats— irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age.मौज-मस्ती में दिन बिताना
17.Give him a piece of my mind— to reprimand him.डाँटना/झिड़कना
18.Pay through his nose— pay an extremely high price.बहुत अधिक कीमत चुकाना
19.No love lost between— not on good terms.दुश्मनी
20.Got the sack— was dismissed from.नौकरी से बर्खास्त करना

#2. 100+ List of Useful English Idioms And Phrases in Grammar :

Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
01.To give the devil his due— to stand in the way of the devil.अपने प्रतिद्वंदी की प्रशंसा करना
02.An open book— one that held no secrets.जिसके बारे में कुछ भी छुपा ना हो
03.Grain of salt— to listen to something with considerable doubt.ध्यान देकर सुनना
04.Put up with— tolerate.सहन करना
05.Unwilling to do— reluctant.अनिच्छुक
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
06.To blow one’s own trumpet— to praise one’s own self.स्वयं की प्रशंसा करना
07.Went to the winds— dissipated.मिटाना
08.Mend his ways— improve his habits.अपनी आदत सुधारना
09.Put on airs— behave as if they are better than they really are.डींग हाँकना
10.Made a clean breast of— confessed.अपनी गलती मान लेना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
11.Like a phoenix— with a new life.नया जीवन
12.Bolt from the blue— something unexpected and unpleasant.अचानक, अप्रत्याशित
13.To run one down— to disparage someone.आलोचना करना
14.To take to one’s heels— to run off.भाग जाना
15.A stone’s throw— very near to.बहुत नज़दीक
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
16.At one’s wit’s end— to be puzzled.घबरा जाना
17.Gift of the gab— talent for speaking.बोलने में कुशलता
18.Bad blood— angry feeling.पुरानी दुश्मनी
19.Blue eyed boy— favorites.प्यारा, दुलारा
20.Fed up with— annoyed.तंग आना

#3. Top 100 Brilliant Idioms And Phrases With Hindi Meaning :

Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
01.To fight tooth and nail— to oppose resolutely.सख्ती से विरोध करना
02.Bone to pick— cause of quarrel.झगडे का कारण
03.Sitting on the fence— hesitating which side to take.किसी का पक्ष ना लेना
04.To play to the gallery— to try to be sensational.भावुक होने की कोशिश करना
05.Pros and Cons— consider all facts.सही-गलत सब कुछ
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
06.Went a long way— helped considerably.सफल होना
07.Lay out— spent.खर्च करना
08.In high sprits— full of hope and enthusiasm.ख़ुशी में, उत्साहपूर्वक
09.To mine matters— to confuse issues.अस्पष्ट बात
10.Turned his head— made him vain.मन में घमंड भर देना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
11.Turns up her nose at— despises/to dislike.नापसंद करना
12.Ins and outs— full details.समस्त विवरण
13.A spare point with— something which hurts.हानि पहुंचाने वाली चीज़
14.Of no avail— unsuccessful.असफल
15.Hold a candle to— cannot be compared to.समतुल्य होना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
16.To set the record straight— given a correct account.गलती सुधारना
17.Good Samaritan— a helpful person.अच्छा नेक आदमी
18.Made amends for— repented for.क्षतिपूर्ति करना
19.Put his foot down— asserted his authority.अपने अधिकार का दावा करना
20.Fought to the bitter end— fight to the last.आखिरी दम तक लड़ना

#4. 100 Popular Idioms with Their Hindi Meanings :

Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
01.Scapegoats— punished for others misdeeds.गलती के लिए सजा देना
02.To pay off old scores— to take revenge.बदला चुकाना
03.A close shave— narrow escape from danger.खतरे से बाल-बाल बचना
04.In high spirits— cheerful.खुश, प्रफुल्लित
05.Laid down their arms— surrendered.आत्म समर्पण करना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
06.Blood ran cold— frightened.डरा हुआ
07.To beat about the bush— speak in a round about manner.मुद्दे से हटकर बात करना
08.Set the bait— laid the trap.जाल बिछाना
09.One the horns of a dilemma— in difficult situation.कठिन परिस्थिति में
10.Ended in smoke— come to nothing.निष्कर्ष नहीं निकलना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
11.See eye to eye— agree.सहमत होना
12.Hard nut to crack— difficult task.कठिन कार्य
13.At the eleventh hour— at the last possible moment.अंतिम क्षण में
14.To burn one’s fingers— to get hurt physically.अचानक परेशानी में पड़ना
15.To add fuel to fire— to incite.उत्तेजित करना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
16.To foam at one’s mouth— to get very angry.क्रोधित होना
17.Strike bargain— to negotiate a deal.मोल-तोल करना
18.Soft option— easy and agreeable option.आसान उपाय
19.To cut my teeth on— to gain experience.अनुभव प्राप्त करना
20.A bird’s eye view— an overview.सरसरी नज़र से देखना

#5. 100 Super Common English Idioms and Phrases with Hindi Meaning :

Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
01.And all that jazz— Informal communication.अनौपचारिक संवाद
02.To break the ice— to speak first after a long silence.चुप्पी तोडना
03.To keep an eye— to watch.निगरानी रखना
04.Rack and ruin— complete ruin.विनाश
05.Strike a terror— make afraid.भय उत्पन्न करना
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
06.Pocket an insult— to tolerate insult.अपमान सहन करना
07.Rank and file— the common man.सामान्य व्यक्ति
08.To save face— avoid disgrace.बदनामी से बचना
09.Wear and tear— breakage.टूट-फूट
10.Zeal and Zest— pleasures.जोश या खुशियाँ
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
11.Under a cloud— under suspicion.संदेह
12.Ups and downs— change of fortune.भाग्य का उलटफेर
13.To leave in lurch— to desert in difficulty.मुसीबत में साथ छोड़ना
14.Kith an kin— near relatives.सगे-सम्बन्धी
15.First water— high rated.ऊँचे दर्ज़े का
Sr.Idioms And PhrasesEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
16.Fair sex— woman.स्त्री
17.Good for nothing— useless.बेकार
18.Double minded— undecided.अनिश्चित
19.Feel the pulse— understand one’s mind.किसी के मन की बात समझना
20.Day of doom— judgement day.निर्णायक दिन

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