Saturday, September 28, 2019

How to say ‘Sorry’ in English? (सेइंग सॉरी इन इंग्लिश)

In this English speaking lesson, you would learn English phrases used in Daily English conversation for saying ‘Sorry’ in English. There are different reasons for which we need to apologise for and ask for forgiveness. This English lesson by Rima would cover all the required English sentences that are spoken in Everyday English communication.
इस इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग लेसन में आप सीखेंगे माफ़ी के लिए अलग अलग इंग्लिश सेन्टेन्सेस।  हमे अक्सर किसी न किसी गलती के लिए सॉरी मांगनी पड़ती हैं. तो क्यों ना कुछ इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग सेन्टेन्सेस सीखे जो आपको माफ़ी मागने के लिए काम आये.
This Youtube channel focuses on learning English for people whose mother tongue is Hindi. You will find English lessons related to spoken English conversation, Grammar, and sentences you would use in your daily English speaking. Do watch all our English lesson to be a fluent English speakers and speak English confidently.

I am sorry

I am sorry for being late.
I am sorry to be late .
I am sorry for coming late.
I am sorry, I forgot to bring the file.
I am sorry, I missed your call.
I am sorry, I did not hear that properly.
I am sorry, I didn’t hear that.
I am sorry, I didn’t hear that right.
I am sorry I didn’t hear what you said.
I am sorry I did not understand .
I am sorry I did not understand you..
I am sorry I did not understand that.
I am sorry I did not understand what you said.
I am sorry I did not see you coming.
I am sorry I did not see you..
I am sorry I did not notice you.
I am sorry I was not paying attention.
I am sorry I was looking the other way.
I am sorry I was looking elsewhere.
I am sorry I was immersed in my thoughts.
I am sorry I was thinking something else.
I am sorry I was engaged in my thoughts.
I am sorry I am lost in my thoughts.
I am sorry I was lost in my head.

I apologize.

I apologize for my bad behavior.
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you .
I apologize for hurting you.
I apologize for my sharp words.
I apologize for being rude.
I apologize being impolite.
I apologize for lying to you.
I apologize for not being honest.
I apologize for not telling you the truth.
I apologize for hurting your feelings.
I apologize for breaking your heart.
I apologize for letting you down.
I am sorry for not living up to your expectation.
I apologize for my actions.

Forgive me .

Please forgive me .
Forgive me for being so impatient.
Forgive me for the misunderstanding.
Forgive me for my choice of words.
Please forgive me for my incompetence.
Forgive me for my dress sense
Forgive me for being overdressed.
Forgive my sense of humor.
Please forgive my lack of understanding.
Please forgive me for the behaviour of my friend.

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