Saturday, September 28, 2019

सीखो Polite English Sentences

इस इंग्लिश स्पीकिंग लेसन में आप सीखेंगे कुश पोलाइट इंग्लिश सेन्टेन्सेस। हम अक्सर प्लीज और थैंक्यू को इंग्लिश में पॉलिटेली बात करने के लिए इस्तेमाल करते हैं. पैर प्लीज और थैंक्यू को आप बोहोत सारी जगहों पर इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं. आज का इंग्लिश लेसन इसी बारे में हैं. आप सीखेंगे सॉरी और थैंक्यू को आप कैसे इंग्लिश सेन्टेन्सेस में उसे कर सकते हैं.
In this English speaking lesson you will learn how to use polite English sentences. We generally use ‘Please’ & ‘Thank you’ to sound polite in English and it also reflects godd manners while speaking English. But, do you know you could use Please & Thank you, for varoius different purposes in English, that’s what you are going to learn in this English lesson with Michelle.
  1. We often use please to request someone to do something, Please is translated as कृपया in Hindi.  Whenever we use “please” for making a request, we put it in the beginning of a sentence:
For example:
कृपया मुझे नमक पास करदो = “Please pass me the salt.”
प्लीज मेरे लिए डिनर बनादो = “Please cook dinner for me”
प्लीज मुझे परेशां करना बंद करदो = “Please stop bothering me.”
कृपया कहना खाने से पहले अपने हाथ धो लो  = “Please wash your hands before dinner.”
प्लीज बहार रुकिए  = “Please wait outside.”
प्लीज अपने जुटे पेहेन लो = “Please wear your shoes.”
कृपया पीछे होकर खड़े हो = “Please stand back.”
  1. We can also use please with could to make a request. Whenever we use please with could, we put in in the middle of the sentence. For example:
क्या तुम कृपया अपने पेरेंट्स को अभी कॉल कर सकते हो ? =  parents Could you please call your parents right away?
क्या तुम कृपया दरवाज़ा पकड़ सकते हो ? =Could you please hold the door?
क्या तुम कृपया उसे रिपीट कर सकते हो ? =Could you please repeat that?
  1. Please also means to make someone happy. Here please is a verb therefore we can also say please, pleased or pleasing:
For example:
तुम हर किसी को एक समय पर खुश नहीं कर सकते = “You cannot please everyone all the time.” –
वह ड्रेस से काफी खुश थी = She was pleased with the dress.”
  1. Please can also be used for responding to questions. Here please means “surely”. It sounds very polite to use “please” as an answer. As an answer we often put please at the end of the sentence preceded by a comma.
For example:
क्या तुम कुछ पीना पसंद करोगे =Would you like something to drink?
हाँ ज़रूर  =Yes, please.
तुम क्या पीना चाहोगे = What would you like to drink?
पानी प्लीज  = Water, please.
क्या तुम कुछ टीवी देखना चाहोगे =Would you like to watch some TV?
हाँ  ज़रूर  =Yes, please.
तुम क्या देखना चाहोगे ? = What would you like to watch?
क्रिकेट मैच , ज़रूर = The cricket match, please.

  1. We can also use “Please” to give an order or a command. Especially, when we want a person to stop doing something: For example, if someone is making noise and you want them to stop you could say:
कृपया रुको = Please stop!
रुको प्लीज = Stop, please!
कृपया  ये मत करो = Please don’t do that.
ये मत करो प्लीज = Don’t do that, please.
कृपया अपना काम करो = Please do you work

  1. We also use Please to beg to someone:
  •        कृपया मेरी मदद करो = Please help me!
  •        मेरी मदद करो कृपया =Help me, please!
  •        कृपया मेरा विश्वास करो = Please believe me.
Now we will see how and where to use Thank You:
  1. We use thank you to say thanks to someone for something they did. You can either say thanks, thank you or thank you very much. These are different ways of saying “Thank you”:
मुझे तुम्हारी ड्रेस पसंद है = I like your dress.
शुक्रिया = Thanks.
मई तुम्हारे लिए  टिकट्स लाया हु =  I bought the tickets for you.
शुक्रिया =Thank you.
ये कहना बहुत टेस्टी है = The food is delicious.
आपका बोहोत बोहोत धन्यवाद = Thank you very much.
  1. Thank you can also be used as an answer to yes and no questions. Either you can say “Yes, thank you”. or “No, thank you”. For example:
क्या तुम्हे एक गिलास पानी चाहिए ? = Would you like a glass of water?
हाँ ज़रूर = Yes, thank you.
क्या तुम्हे मदद चाहिए =Do you want help?
नहीं, कोई ज़रुरत नहीं है = No, thank you.
  1. We can use thank you in a sentence with ing verbs to say thank you. Some examples of these are:
होम वर्क में मेरी मदद करने के लिए धन्यवाद = Thank you for helping me with my homework.
मदद के लिए धन्यवाद = Thanks for your help.
मुझे सुनने के लिए धन्यवाद = Thank you for listening to me
आपके टाइम के लिए धन्यवाद =Thank you for your time today.

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