Saturday, September 28, 2019

List of Prepositions, their Uses, Definition, Rules, Types & Examples

What is a Preposition in English Grammar?

Preposition meaning a word used to link nouns and pronouns or phrases to other words within a sentence.

Key features of Prepositions:

 Preposition words show the relationship between the words in a sentence. 
 Some prepositional phrase has various definitions, so the meaning changes quite a bit according to context. 
 Use of preposition word at the end of the sentence is not a grammatical error.

Types of Prepositions in English with Examples:   

 Types of preposition are described in detail in the below section.  

Preposition of Direction:  

The purpose of these types of prepositions are - 

 To show the way in which something is done. 
 To express the direction of something. 

Here is the complete preposition list which are indicative of direction with their meanings.

Preposition of DirectionPrepositions Meaning
AboveHigher relative to something else
AcrossOn the other side of
AmongWithin a group
AroundIn a circular way
AtIndicates a particular point
BehindAt the back of
BelowLower relative to something else
BesideNext to
Close toNear
ThroughFrom one point to the next
TowardIn the direction of
UpFrom low to high
DownFrom high to low
BetweenIn the space separating two things
NearClose by
Next toBeside
OnTouching something
OntoMoving on top of something
OffAway from
PastOn the father side of
UnderBelow something

Some appropriate preposition examples list is provided below:

1. They went by bus.

2. Look to the right and you will see your destination.

3. Meet me at the flower shop.

4. The dog climbed onto the bed.


Preposition of Time: 

According to English Grammar rules, the words are used to refer to time in various aspects.

These types of preposition words are gathered in the below preposition list with their meaning.

Preposition of TimePreposition Meaning
OnDays (of the week) & dates
InMonths/seasons/year, part of the day, after a period
AtA specific point of time, exceptions
SinceFrom a specific point in time until now (past till now)
ForOver a certain period of time
AgoFrom now to a specific point in the past (now till past)
DuringThroughout the course
BeforePrevious to in time, earlier than
AfterSubsequent in time, at a later time than
Until (Till)Up to a certain point in time
To/ pastTelling the time
From/ ToA starting point/ an end point
ByNot later than
Following is the preposition exercises with answer to understand easily by the aspirants.

1. We arrived on Monday.

2. The seminar starts at 10 a.m.

3. The company was founded in the 20th century.

4. They got married on Friday the 5th June.

Preposition of Place: 

Those words which indicating positions of the object in the sentence, it’s the place preposition definition.

The below preposition list covers all these kinds of prepositions which are indicating the place.

Preposition of PlacePrepositions Meaning
InPosition or state inside
AtIn the area of, specific position, an event (or a place related to it)
OnPosition above, in contact with, for a certain side, the state or process of & means of conveyance
OffFrom a place or position
By, BesideAt the side of, close to & next to
UnderIn a lower position, beneath the surface
OverIn or at a position above, more than
BelowIn or to a lower place, beneath
UpFrom a lower towards a higher point
DownA descending direction
 Some appropriate preposition examples according to grammar rules are provided below:

1. We live in India.

2. There is a cat under the table.

3. I hung my coat behind the door.

4. A path above the lake. 

Other English Grammar Prepositions: 

The prepositions in English grammar which are not satisfy the conditions of time, place & direction they take place in this section.

All these kinds of preposition words in grammar are catered in the following preposition list with meaning.

English Grammar PrepositionsPreposition Meaning
OrOriginating from, composed of,associated with, belonging to
ByIn the name of; through the agency oraction of
AboutEstimation of quantity, on the subject of
ForIndicates the object, aim or purpose
WithIn the presence or use of

Uses of Prepositions in English in the different Manners 

Sometimes English grammar prepositions are used in the different manners through which the meaning changes quite a bit according to context.

They are provided in the below section. 

Prepositional phrase functioned as Conjunctions: 

Some words are preposition, but they are functioning as conjunctions.

Preposition Rules: The preposition which is used before a clause, is functioning as a conjunction. But when a word is used before a noun phrase it stays as a preposition.

The words which are most common among these kinds of prepositions i.e. after, as, since, before, until etc.

Conjunction & Preposition ExercisesSome conjunction - preposition sentences are catered below:

1. After the lecture, they went to the movie. (Preposition)

2. After they ate, they went to the movie. (Conjunction)

3. He stood before the judge and declared his innocence. (Preposition)

4. Before he declared his innocence, he looked at the judge for a long time. (Conjunction) 

Prepositions act as Adverbs: 

Sometimes, words you might think of as prepositions act like adverb. When a word is modifying a verb, it is starting act like an adverb.

These types of prepositions in English which follow this rule i.e. about, across, around, before, beyond, in, inside, near, opposite, outside, past, round, through, under, up, within.

Preposition WorksheetsFollowing are some adverbs - preposition examples sentences -

1. Dorothy colors outside the lines.

Here outside the lines is an adverbial phrase and outside is a preposition.

2. If you want to see the eclipse, you will need to go outside.

Here outside tells you where you will need to go and without an object outside is an adverb.

Use of Prepositions with Adjectives: 

Sometimes preposition words appear after adjectives to complete or elaborate on the ideas or emotions that adjectives describe.

There are no specific preposition rules to use adjectives and English grammar prepositions combinedly.

Following are some adjective - preposition examples sentences:

1. Jenny is afraid of swimming in the ocean.

2. The kids are very fond of the ice-cream.

3. She was highly skilled in physics and chemistry.

4. Eating healthy is good for your health. 

Use of Preposition with Noun: 

Some preposition words can be used with nouns to connect or provide clarification for ideas explained in sentences. In this type of combination, the preposition always come after the noun.

Here are some noun - preposition examples:

1. Her answer to the teacher’s question was correct.

2. Tony has so much admiration for his father.

3. My friend has a fear of the dark.

4. He has little experience in backpacking. 

Preposition Definition with Verbs: 

To connect with the objects, certain verbs need prepositions. Verbs are usually followed by the prepositions before the object of the verb. These types of prepositions are known as the dependent prepositions.

Following are some preposition examples list with verb:

1. I applied for the job, but I didn’t get it.

2. Has he recovered from his illness yet?

3. He believes in ghosts.

4. This shampoo smells of blossoms.

English Grammar Preposition Exercises with Answers 

In the below section preposition exercises with answer are provided to understand the use of prepositional phrase better.

1. We live in India.

2. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

3. We are going on holiday next week.

4. There is a bridge across the river.

5. Come into the sitting room, we want to watch TV.

6. Lucky is arriving on 13th February at 8 o’clock in the morning.

7. They usually go to the Shimla in the summer.

8. I usually go to my parent’s house at We eat turkey together on Christmas Day.

9. I like to drink coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.

10. Lucky went to New York at New Year.

11. Stop worrying about your exam, everything will be fine.

12. Don’t forget to pay for the newspaper.

13. The boat passed under the bridge.

14. Unfortunately, I’m very bad at music.

15. It’s great you got that job, you should be proud of yourself.

16. He has been absent since Monday.

17. This material is different from that.

18. He said that he was very pleased with my work.

19. A dark cloud was above the house.

20. The plane flew over the building.

21. The car went through the tunnel.

22. She put the flowers by the window.

23. The loud noise came from within the stadium.

24. She never leaves without her phone.

25. I was unable to get out of the appointment.

26. I attended a quick meeting before leaving for the day.

27. She set beside Anushka.

28. My car is parked behind the store.

29. He was between jobs at the moment.

30. The teacher said no talking during class.

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