Saturday, September 28, 2019

सीखो Telephone English phrases

In this English speaking practice lesson you will learn some useful English phrases used while speaking English over the phone. 
Call up –  किसी को कॉल करना
I will call up Diksha today, I haven’t spoken to her for a very long time.
Pick up-  फ़ोन आंसर करना/ फ़ोन उठाना
I called up Diksha, but her Mom picked up the phone.
I am trying to call Diksha, but she is not picking up the phone.
Can I pick up this call, its from home.
Put through –  किसी की बात करवाना
Please hold the line I will put you through Diksha.
Hold on – किसी को रूकने के लिए कहना
Diksha is speaking with someone could you hold on for a minute.
Get back – वापिस फ़ोन करना किसी जानकारी के साथ
I don’t hane any information where is Rahul, can I get back to you?
Call back – किसी को बताना की आप उन्हें फिर से कॉल करंगे
I am busy at the moment can I call your back?
Switch off – फ़ोन बंद करना
I tried calling you but your phone was switched off.
Turn on – फ़ोन को चालू करना
The phone is updated you can now turn on the phone.
Breaking up – फ़ोन पर आवाज़ काटना
I am not able to hear you clearly, your voice is breaking up.
Hang up – कॉल ख़तम करना
I have a lot of work to do, I need to hang up now.
Get off – फ़ोन से दूर रहना
You have an exam tomorrow, get off the phone and start studying.

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