Saturday, September 28, 2019

सीखों Will, Would, Shall & Should का इंग्लिश में सही use

In this English speaking practice lesson you will learn the correct use of modal verbs Will, Would, Shall & Should in spoken English conversations. Students often make mistakes while using these words as they are confusing, your teacher Michelle brings you out the difference between these words and how to use them in English speaking.

इस अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले अभ्यास पाठ में आप सामान्य क्रियाओं के सही उपयोग सीखेंगे, बोलचाल की भाषा में बातचीत करेंगे। छात्र अक्सर इन शब्दों का उपयोग करते समय गलतियाँ करते हैं क्योंकि वे भ्रमित कर रहे हैं, आपका शिक्षक मिशेल आपको इन शब्दों और अंग्रेजी बोलने में उन्हें कैसे उपयोग करना है, के बीच अंतर लाता है।

How to use will?
Will is used to talk about a choice or desire.
  • I will take this duty.
  • Will you stop talking like that?
  • I will accept your offer.
  • Will you keep quiet?
Will is used to talk about the future.
  • It will be a great party.
  • I will go somewhere tonight.
  • I think it will rain.
  • The news will spread like a wildfire.
Will is used to talk about capacity.
  • The bucket will hold 2 litres of water.
  • This plane will hold 200 passengers.
Will is used to talk about determination.
  • I will do as you say.
  • I will try hard.
  • I will win the match.
  • I will pass my driving test.
‘Would’ is the past form of ‘Will’
Would is used to talk about a choice or Preference.
  • I would rather go to shopping today.
  • I would rather go to the Cinema today.
  • I would rather say something rather than sit quiet.
Would is also use to express a wish /desire
  • I would like to have on more roti.
  • I would like more free time.
Would is used to talk about a possibility.
  • If I were you, I would be so happy.
Would is used to talk about daily routine.
  • Normally, we would work until 6 PM.
How to use ‘Shall’?
Shall is used to talk about the future.
Shall is used to ask polite questions.
  • Shall we dance?
  • Shall I go?
  • Shall we drink?
Shall is used to mention a rule/law
  • There shall be no eating & drinking here.
  • You shall abide by the law.
  • There shall be no trespassing on this property.
  • Students shall not enter this room.
How to use ‘Should’ in English?
Should is used for giving advice.
  • You should rest at home today.
  • You should stay at home of you are feeling tired.
  • I should take a bus this time.
  • He should be more thoughtful in making decisions.
  • I should walk to work.
Should is used to seek an opinion
  • What should we do now?
  • Should we continue our meeting?
  • Should we go this way?
  • Where should we go in the summer?
  • Should we tell him about our idea?
  • What should we do now?
  • Who should be the president of India?
  • Should is also used to express expectations.
  • There should be an old building there.
  • Everyone should be there by 6 PM.
  • We should be there this evening.

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