Saturday, September 28, 2019

WH Questions in English – सवाल कैसे पूछेंगे?

In this English speaking practice lesson, you will learn how to ask questions in English. WH questions is an important in spoken English as with WH questions we can seek a lot of information. To ask questions and speak fluent English, it’s important to learn WH questions so that you could ask English questions and speak English confidently.
आज के इस इंग्लिश लेसन में आप सीखेंगे WHQuestion वर्ड्स. अगर आप को फ़्लूएंट इंग्लिश बोलनी हैं तो क्वेश्चन वर्ड्स सीखना बेहद ज़रूरी हैं. क्वेश्चन वर्ड्स हमे अलग अलग तरह की जानकारी देते हैं जो कन्वर्सेशन को जारी रखने के लिए ज़रूरी हैं. नीचे दिए गए इंग्लिश सेंटेंसेस को ध्यान से पढिये.
WH questions are
What, Which, When, Where, Why, Who


What are you doing in the evening?
Arrows with explanation
What is the time?
What are you doing?
What was there for lunch?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
What have you been doing since yesterday?
What did I do?


Which are your favourite colours?
Which is the best book you have ever read?
Which was your first car?
Which dress should I wear for the party?
Which was your first international visit?


When are you coming back?
When are you meeting me tomorrow?
When will you call me tomorrow?
When is your next flight to Mumbai?
When were you born?


Where are you going?
Where did you keep my charger?
Where is your office located?
Where does your sister live?
Where were you going yesterday evening?
Where will you be staying when you go for a vacation?
Where will you be living 2 years later?


Who are you?
Who does your sister love?
Who is watching the news right now?
Who is your favourite actor?
Who has the best voice?
Who were you talking to late at night?
Who won the match last night?


Why are you so angry with me?
Why do you like English?
Why are you so irritated?
Why are you following me?
Why are you studying so much, you need a break.
Why does Ravi like Ritika?
Why did you call my name?
Why are you talking to him after the fight?

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